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Bishop Michael McGovern                 Bishop Michael McGovern



Click here Child Protection Policy to access the policy



BE informed about your Catholic Diocese and support your Catholic faith in southern Illinois by subscribing to THE MESSENGER. Did you know The Messenger publishes a calendar of events for the Diocese every six months? Forgot to Subscribe? No problem! Subscribe with your Parish envelope or call (618) 233-8670. To subscribe online copy and paste the following link www.bellevillemessenger.org.

 The Retrouvaille Program 

Need help and support for your marriage? Copy and paste the following link http://www.helpourmarriage.com/

The Knight's Shield Children's Shelter

is to provide a safe haven to children in crisis. Copy and paste the link provided for your opportunity to help The Night's Shield at http://thenightsshield.org/

You can also follow them on Facebook


Bulletin announcement requests for publication should be emailed to holyspiritparrish300@gmail.com by the Monday prior to the date of publication. Enter in the subject line: Bulletin Notice

Sunday mass announcements contact Bill Harper @ holyspiritparish300@gmail.com

Prayer list: If someone you know is in need of prayer, or should be taken off the list, please contact the parish office 2 6-1985-2900

Website notifications for publication/ posting should be emailed to holyspiritparrish300@gmail.com at least one month prior to the event